Thinking as best I may
of all humans
who have in all time
dwelt upon our planet
Thinking swiftly of all those I have known
family, friends, unfriendlies, antisocials,
successful and unsuccessful,exalted and tortured
And thinking of planet earth
as I have come to know it
by direct experiencings, and 36 encirclings,
thousands of continental criss-crossings,
and millions of local to and fro-ings
And thinking of our planets bigness to meat
almost negligible magnitude
our planet of only one small star
in our galaxy of 100 billion stars
which is only one of the now-known
billion such galaxies
And trying to think omni-inclusively
on behalf of all histories earthian humans
I say in my thoughtsever reminding myself
as I progress in thinking
that I am speaking only
on behalf of all individuals
present and pastand to come
I say
Our God
Who art in we even
even we who know most intimately
of our own weaknesses, failures, faults
and outright sins
our selfishnesses, fears, and cupidit
your moments of jealousy, rage, and hate
secret cover ups, lies and self deceits
God even of we
our God
our intuitively apprehended
comprehensive admonisher
and Omni-experience is your Identity.
You have given us
because You are Omni-experience
overwhelming manifest:of Your complete knowledge
(There is that Universe working there)
Your complete comprehension
Your complete concern
Your complete wisdom
Your complete responsibility
Your complete coordination
Your complete competence to cope positively with
any and all problems
And Your utter reliability always so to do
Yours, Dear God
is all the glory
(people talk about glory and say but without this
this extraordinary Thing, how are there even words, even the word glory whatever it is awe, every credit, is completely God's we have nothing to do with it)
You are the utterly mysterious Integrity
Of omni-regenerative Universe
We have absolute confidence and faith in You
You are the Synergetic Integral of All Truths as
best we can see
And we worship You
rejoicingly and
For it is humanly feasible
To be in awe of Truth
humanly feasible to be thankful for
and to rejoiceand to love the Truth
(I found this very beautiful, this is when I knew I could really love that Truth so it isn't just vapid words)
All of which lead to Absolute Truth
beyond the comprehension of humans.
Read Buckminster Fuller's Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth
Thinking as best I may
of all humans
who have in all time
dwelt upon our planet
Thinking swiftly of all those I have known
family, friends, unfriendlies, antisocials,
successful and unsuccessful,exalted and tortured
And thinking of planet earth
as I have come to know it
by direct experiencings, and 36 encirclings,
thousands of continental criss-crossings,
and millions of local to and fro-ings
And thinking of our planets bigness to meat
almost negligible magnitude
our planet of only one small star
in our galaxy of 100 billion stars
which is only one of the now-known
billion such galaxies
And trying to think omni-inclusively
on behalf of all histories earthian humans
I say in my thoughtsever reminding myself
as I progress in thinking
that I am speaking only
on behalf of all individuals
present and pastand to come
I say
Our God
Who art in we even
even we who know most intimately
of our own weaknesses, failures, faults
and outright sins
our selfishnesses, fears, and cupidit
your moments of jealousy, rage, and hate
secret cover ups, lies and self deceits
God even of we
our God
our intuitively apprehended
comprehensive admonisher
and Omni-experience is your Identity.
You have given us
because You are Omni-experience
overwhelming manifest:of Your complete knowledge
(There is that Universe working there)
Your complete comprehension
Your complete concern
Your complete wisdom
Your complete responsibility
Your complete coordination
Your complete competence to cope positively with
any and all problems
And Your utter reliability always so to do
Yours, Dear God
is all the glory
(people talk about glory and say but without this
this extraordinary Thing, how are there even words, even the word glory whatever it is awe, every credit, is completely God's we have nothing to do with it)
You are the utterly mysterious Integrity
Of omni-regenerative Universe
We have absolute confidence and faith in You
You are the Synergetic Integral of All Truths as
best we can see
And we worship You
rejoicingly and
For it is humanly feasible
To be in awe of Truth
humanly feasible to be thankful for
and to rejoiceand to love the Truth
(I found this very beautiful, this is when I knew I could really love that Truth so it isn't just vapid words)
All of which lead to Absolute Truth
beyond the comprehension of humans.
Read Buckminster Fuller's Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth
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