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Showing posts with the label tacos de xuitlacoche

Mexican food: tacos de xuitlacoche

Tacos de xuitlacoche, cuitlacoche or huitlacoche Xuitlacoche: Photo Nicole Nguyen Xuitlacoche has variant spellings: huitlacoche, cuitlacoche, and xuitlacoche. In a way the name of this blog, or at least half of it, is a reproach. It is a response to a programme on Radio 4 where the interviewer was in California reporting on an innovative crop , Corn smut. In other words another little bit of Mexican culture was in the process of being appropriated by US imperialism. The BBC was being sold a pup; or as they say in the US, a crock. Xuitlacoche is a Mexican delicacy. It has been eaten in Mexico for at least three thousand years. If you go to Mexico you see an immense variety of corn. This is because it was the forebears of the Mexicans who took the corn plant out of the wild and domesticated it at about the same millet was being domesticated in the Middle East. Corn has been so important in Mexico that for a long time Mexicans called themselves the children of corn, L...