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Showing posts with the label Nazi ideology began with Darwinism. Modern Darwinists are its natural heirs.

The social Darwinist genie is out of the bottle again.

 Whether Fascists  misunderstood Darwin or not,they were inspired by him.  And Darwin himself was a racist. The method of natural selection as proposed by Darwin, is a logical and common sense one and easy for a layperson to understand,  though he or she may not understand the ramifications and implications of Darwin's theory.  However, the effect of the social philosophy derived from Darwinism has been catastrophic. It has destroyed all viable notions of the good, as such, and has turned morality into the plaything of evolutionary psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists - the phrenologists and Lysenkoists of our day.  Unfortunately for the Darwinian purists, who protest so much, Darwin himself speculated in racial futures. He himself was a social Darwinist. Read Charles Darwin, in his own words: "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certain...