Aristide of Haiti - a letter to the ANC Aristide: Picture by.... I wrote this as a letter to ANC by Tony Hall, 2004 I would like to join those many millions of people of African origin and those many thousands -- or millions -- of other races like myself who broadly support the progressive struggle of third world nations to achieve genuine social democracy... We would all happily say: congratulations and thanks to the ANC government for deciding to receive and host President Juan Bertrand Aristide of Haiti in South Africa. As a South African I say: welcome Mr President, we are honoured to have you as a guest. I am quite happy to contribute my taxpayer's mite towards hosting you as long as you need to be here, until imperialist lackeys are overcome in Haiti and a semblance of democracy is restored to your country. There is a groundswell of hurt and deep anger, not to be underestimated, against those who have tried to make an issue of this invitation, like South African D...
Left wing commentary from the heart and the head