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Aristide: a Letter to the ANC

Aristide of Haiti - a letter to the ANC Aristide: Picture by.... I wrote this as a letter to ANC by Tony Hall, 2004 I would like to join those many millions of people of African origin and those many thousands -- or millions -- of other races like myself who broadly support the progressive struggle of third world nations to achieve genuine social democracy... We would all happily say: congratulations and thanks to the ANC government for deciding to receive and host President Juan Bertrand Aristide of Haiti in South Africa. As a South African I say: welcome Mr President, we are honoured to have you as a guest. I am quite happy to contribute my taxpayer's mite towards hosting you as long as you need to be here, until imperialist lackeys are overcome in Haiti and a semblance of democracy is restored to your country. There is a groundswell of hurt and deep anger, not to be underestimated, against those who have tried to make an issue of this invitation, like South African D...