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Showing posts with the label Short course in French food and Art.

Short course in French food and art.

Phil in Golfe Juan in Autumn 1974 I have big hair because I never went to the barber's at my Quaker boarding school in Great Ayton . I am 14, standing next to the stone commemorating the return of Napoleon from his exile in Elba. Grandpa was an admirer of Napoleon and this was partly why he chose to live in Golfe Juan . The other reason they both chose to live there was because they had gone on honeymoon to Cannes and Nice in 1935. Granny and Mom on the walk to Vallouris, photo by Grandpa We had visited them Majorca , in Meudon-la-Foret , and in 1972 in Munich . I think I was the first or second to visit them in Golfe Juan. Mom insisted that she was the first. Perhaps she was. Perhaps she visited them on her way to Maharashtra . They were her parents after all and it was her scene. I was there, I think, in October 1974, for a week at half term - or was it October 1973? Granny and Grandpa (Lisa and Richard Steinhardt) in Vence When I arrived there were no build...