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Showing posts with the label Skirts for Men

David Hall: Pioneer of Skirts for men

David J. Hall, M. Sc. (Eng.) D.I.C. Senior Research Engineer P.O. Box 9487 Stanford, California 94305, USA (415) 494 6859 6th April 1976 Skirts for Men The advantages and disadvantages of various forms of body covering. By David J. Hall Ever since the human animal lost whatever fur he may have had on his skin, he has made himself comfortable by covering himself with another skin, woven cloth. Perhaps the first coverings were for warmth; or perhaps to satisfy human vanity. Today, society demands that we always cover some portions of our bodies, the weather still plays an important part in determining how much cover we use. Clothing affects the way we move and function. When we wear a uniform, we are supposed to function according to the role signified. Airline cabin crew wear something that allow us to easily identify them so that we know who to ask for service. However we view the concept of human individuality in practical terms, the paradox is that humans seem to have split into two ...