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Showing posts with the label Whistling in the wind: a response to Polly Toynbee on the question of class.

Whistling in the wind: a response to Polly Toynbee on the question of class.

Our grand liberal, Polly Toynbee Polly, I am a fan and you have my qualified support for most of the things you say. But let me ask you this.  Micheal Rosen said that you, Polly, talk about class at length without once mentioning the word capitalism. Michael Rosen is right. It doesn't make sense to speak of class without understanding it in terms of the economic system we exist in. If class is a product of capitalism, just as serfdom was a product of feudalism, then can we ameliorate its negative effects in some way? Can you stop people accumulating power and wealth? How can you stop them if they are the ones with all the wealth and influence? Isn't it really a win for some, do well for a few others and then a lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose situation for the rest? You could legislate of course. But the legislators are not unbiased, they favour the powerful, the ones who can pay good money to work the angles in the legal system in t...