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Showing posts with the label or you'll get a Tory government

Vote Labour you cynics, or you'll get a Tory government.

"I don't believe you." "Judas" , the cry goes out against MPs. But to quote Bob Dylan: "I don't believe you ." There is a double think at the heart of this debate on MP's morality. A lot of moral and immoral people are hopping mad about moats and duck islands and second homes and then you ask them: "What's the solution?" And they say: "Well, regulation and punishment." And then you ask them: "Well wouldn't that destroy trust? Why can't we have another shot at an honour system?" And the response is: "No, it's human nature. You can't trust people to claim expenses honestly. Everyone given the chance, fiddles their expenses." "Really? Well if that is the case then why are you so annoyed? If, in your philosophy, it is only human nature, then why are you so damn indignant about the MPs claiming extra in expenses?" So at the heart of this debate are cynics having their cake and ea...