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Showing posts with the label Buckminster Fuller's beautiful prayer

Buckminster Fuller's beautiful prayer

EVER RETHINKING THE LORD'S PRAYER Thinking as best I may of all humans who have in all time dwelt upon our planet Thinking swiftly of all those I have known family, friends, unfriendlies, antisocials, successful and unsuccessful,exalted and tortured And thinking of planet earth as I have come to know it by direct experiencings, and 36 encirclings, thousands of continental criss-crossings, and millions of local to and fro-ings And thinking of our planets bigness to meat almost negligible magnitude our planet of only one small star in our galaxy of 100 billion stars which is only one of the now-known billion such galaxies And trying to think omni-inclusively on behalf of all histories earthian humans I say in my thoughtsever reminding myself as I progress in thinking that I am speaking only on behalf of all individuals present and pastand to come I say Our God Who art in we even even we who know most intimately of our own weaknesses, failures, faults and outright sins our selfishness...