The part of the school where we boarded. My window was on the third floor third along. I find the quality of a Quaker silence to be far superior, for a Westerner. At least we don't have to dwell on half understood, abstract and culturally removed concepts that turn the silence into the silence of aspirational puzzlement. Quaker silence is easy enough, isn't it? Be quiet. Quiet yourself. Calm right down. Reflect quietly on what you have done that day. Can you hear a still, small quiet voice within? Is that your conscience? Is that little voice God talking to you? Yes it is. Probably. Reflect on the inspiration you have just had. Stand up and share it with the community. Sit down again. Listen to anyone else who may want to share a thought. Silence again. The sun moves across the windows. The light changes. Sounds intrude from outside the hall. Someone coughs unnecessarily. There is a clear sense of time passing and you cop a feel of smooth vastness you hear the whirr ...
Left wing commentary from the heart and the head