Devils Dancing around the City of God In reading science fiction there were always supercomputers. Sometimes intelligent. There was the idea of the Internet, but there was never the full visualisation of it. If there had been the World Wide Web would have been invented by nerds in DARPA and not a mensch in CERN. Never mind the flying cars, the idea of the Intenet is far, far more exciting. The tempting and exciting thought was this: If we had all the knowledge of the world: or at least a fair proportion of it, at our fingertips, couldn't we become wiser and better people. Wouldn't it be like the old bible story of Babylon. A perfect Science Fiction story, with Leviathan, the angry Old Testament space God hiding in the clouds on his column of flame, shouting in megaphones, burning people and offerings up with lasers, zooming about in jetpacks, dropping vitaminised mana onto the desert, conducting breeding programmes getting really pissed off that humanity was getting its act tog...
Left wing commentary from the heart and the head