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Andy's heel, Mombassa, a party, Odaoda's cooking

P.O. Box 9010 Nairobi. 27/765 Darling Mom and Dad, Just a quick not to give you the latest on Andy , who is much better. His leg is still not in plaster, as the wound at the back of his heel (1) has not healed completely, and naturally, a plaster can't go on a half healed wound. He has a half cast, to keep his leg rigid, but it is kept on with crepe bandages and cotton wool. He is very chirpy, and full of energy, even crawls on his hands and knees all over the bed when I am not watching. As I said in my last letter, the bone did not have to be set, as it was in position, it is really more of a crack than a break, I think. Tomorrow I am going to the hospital again, and we will see if it is possible to put the plaster on yet! I haven't been at school all this week and won't be back till Thursday. We have altered our plans a little. To and Chris and Phil are going down by car [to Mombassa ] on Saturday, as planned, but I will follow on Monday or Tuesday night, with Andy, by

Eve Hall released from Jail, 1963

M.A. HALL FRANKENWALD, WITWATERSRAND UNIVERSITY, JOHANNESBURG S.A. MR & MRS J. F. HALL c/o STANDARD BANK 9 NORTHUMBERLAN AVE, LONDON WC2 ENGLAND 20th March 1963 Dear Dad and Nola, Well I'm as happy as could be. Eve is back with me again. It was such a surprise. The most wonderful I've ever had. She did say on my last visit that there was a chance of coming out on the 14th. I told her not to bank on it, but nevertheless I found I was building up a lot of hope. With 9 days in hand I immediately began renovating the flat furiously. Then on Monday night I phoned the Anglican priest who has been visiting Eve and he told me there was no hope. I was terribly disappointed and of course doubly surprised when I got off the Highlands North bus on Tuesday evening - to find Eve waiting for me. She was given a train ticket to Jhb, then took a taxi home. Phil just said 'Mom', ran straight to Eve, and happily accepted she was home - few questions asked. But only today would he leav

Lloyd George on Sir Edward Grey's responsibility for failing to postpone WWI

Edward Grey fishing in Hampshire (from Punch) Extracts: "I cannot give a fair presentaion of the events that led to the War, prolonged in its duration, and aggravated and extended in its desolation, without a candid picture of the personalities who controlled and directed these events. Their charachteristics were responsible for much that happened - for better or for worse. It is a mistaken view to assume that its episodes were entirely due to fundamental causes which could not be averted, and that they were not precipitated or postponed by the intervention of personality. The appearance of one dominating individual in a critical position at a decisive moment has often generated the course of events for years and even generations. A gifted and resolute person has often postponed for centuries a catastrophe which appeared imminent and which, but for him would have befallen. On the other hand a weak or hesitant person has invited or expidited calamity which but for him might never

Letter from Ruth First, 21/10/75

Department of Economics, University Dar-es-Salaam PO Box 35045 23/10/75 Dear Eve and Tony - Joe posted your letter on and it was grand to hear from you after our long lapse into silence.; and here I am in your hunting ground, doing a visiting lecturer spell, teaching underdevelopment theory, in an underdeveloped country at last. The Academic Life has its perks, and this is one of the most rewarding. I am here for 4 months, by arrangement through the Inter -University Council, and half has gone by: Due back in Britain mid-December, though after a short spell in LM, hoorah, hoorah; propose to leave here by abt Dec. , though I'm hurtling through a tightly packed course, trying to do in 3 and a half months what I do in the UK in 3 terms. Students are very intelligent, off the mark like silver bullets, though I fear me they are hurtling towards high posts in the bureaucracy. Some are radicalised for as long as they remain on The Hill, where debate is relatively free and promotion and jo

Eve Hall's letters: Diets, praise and a stampede

7/4/68 P.O. Box 1068, Arusha Dear Mom and Dad, Thanks for both your letters - I'm so glad you're on a diet, Dad, I know how tough it is but it is so much healthier not to be overweight. All my life I've envied people who eat as much as they like and not get fat, and I have always wished I could take after you Mom! But I take after Dad and I have to watch my weight constantly. I only keep slim (NOT thin) when I cut out all the bread and potatoes and sometimes I just drool at the thought of a fat meat sandwich...salad's good for you, but there is something so terribly unsubstantial about it! Poor Dad - but think of me, your soul mate, 6000 miles away. I'm trying hard to get To to lose some weight, he weighs 210 lbs at the moment and I know that John and Nola are going to disapprove of his excess - but he loves food as much as you do, Dad and I'm just not getting anywhere with my anti-fat campaign. To is having the expected trouble - they're messing him around

Brighton, Sunday evening, July 1977

Darling Andy and Chris, I've just finished the letter to Granny and Grandpa , and no its your turn. Dad is downstairs, sorting out papers while he watches the telly, and I am sitting in your study room, my papers spread out all over your table. It's a lot more comfortable than mine! Though the blank white wall on the other side of the window is a bit dreary....still nothing to take away concentration. I suppose Martin and Nicky slept in your beds. Martin (who's about 6 months younger than you, I think) is almost as tall as Felicity, so suffered from your problem in the bed! Luckily, he said, he sleeps curled up. Patrick is sweet, has a sunny personality (if that doesn't sound too pukey). Martin's sports mad. Dad says he told him he wanted to be a professional golfer - yet another in the Hall family! Felicity isn't any different from last year, obviously her usual pleasant self - and David now has a bushy beard and didn't wear any particularly startlin

From Chris to Granny and Grandpa 1975

Dear Granny and Grandpa, How is Golfe Juan? Delhi, as usual, is stinking hot..(i hope you don't mind me typing to you but I want to practice.) Yesterday Dad left for Chattisghar, a small town in South India, and unfortunately he will be away, for the third time in a row, for his birthday.. Delhi I find quite a boring place, I am afraid to say, but I suppose I haven't seen all the sights yet. On Wednesday we went and had a look at a Drum set as we (Andy and myself) intend to buy it. It was quite a good Drum set but it needed quite a lot of odd jobs done on it. We now have joined a swimming pool and go regularly to swim and it is one of the few places in Delhi where one can get pastries, which of course we eat everyday. School is fine and we have already broken up and we will start school again on 8 July. We are going on holiday to "Nainital" which is a resort in the foothills of the Himalayas. We will probably say there fo