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Last letter from dad

My darlings

Just over a week until I see you all - yippee! Hoping to land on a Virgin from Johannesburg on 12th or 13th December morning - (I will not be there for the Dean Street pub meeting - but Andy and/or Chris, do go with Phil, just to keep him company, it is an amazing happening, however you look at it!!!.

I'm not going via Cape Town after all for two reasons. My booking was on Nationwide Airlines, now grounded by the local CAA, and Chris will be in Moscow instead of coming to Cape Town. But the sooner I see you all, the better. (I'll look foward to seeing CT family and friends early next year). Dale will arrive for his 2/3 days intense briefing about running the house, then I'll get on a City Bug to Jhb.

I am generally feeling okay, no longer constantly a bit stunned, and keeping manically busy all the time... though activity helps, talking to you all, and outings with friends. Of course there are those desolate times when I look up and my darling just isn't there - and that will always be. But I like to think she is within me.

I talk to her on the screensaver photo, wherever her picture is. I am starting to sleep better, and getting things arranged...

In the lovely weather, enough rain to keep the extreme heat away, I am swimming every afternoon - eight lengths, wow! The garden is in to yet another kaleidoscope, the white daisies sitting up, the bright yellow frangipani, almost 20 roses blossoming at the back. In the house, there are still a few vases with the leftovers of mom/granny's huge bouquets that filled the house. I even have to pick up yet another tomorrow, from Giuliana in Sweden. That serene smiling photo is now big and framed in the dining room, opposite my portrait. (I'm bringing a small album, couldn't do digital).


I was so bucked that Chris and Lucy went to the Latin America meeting - I even took a poster of it off the internet. I think it was overweening of Chavez to ask for unlimited terms of office, he shouldn't have, and now has been set back - but a really good leader like him should be votable in for three or four terms. I hope Putin will find a way to carry on for at least another term. He is the best man for the job by far, and still needed. Why should 'the West' rule that only two terms is democratic. Cheeky hypocrites...I am rather glad that I will NOT be in SA for the ANC party elections. I enjoyed your positive reactions to my piece on Thabo, Chris and others (others here have also liked it).

By the way, you may spy a copy of Mark Gevisser's now celebrated new biog of Thabo even in your London bookstores. If so, leaf through to page 137 and read the bit about the Hall's Norwood commune back in 1961.

My London programme will be quite busy. Rising from my comfortable grandpa bed in Teddington, in Surbiton, in Greenwich, I am going to visit every school, even join their journeys to school and embarass each of my grandchildren by hanging about and watching; every workplace, and every rave-place. I am going to check on Carmen on guitar, Chicks on keyboard, Bobby on drums - now there's a trio for you! As a pre-diabetic, I am going to take tips from Ali's diet and routines - but not try to keep up with her exercise. I will watch with Myles, one whole game with Arsenal. I will drag Jess, Lucy, Nats, Betty and anyone else who doesn't escape in time, to see and listen to whole orchestras, walk through miles of art galleries, catch some real theatre...

So watch out, here comes grandpa!! And, I am going to attend many auctions and see what we are bid for our treasures, with some of you sometimes, I hope.

In Golfe, while the transfer of inheritance has to be gone through yet again, I want to do go down and do a practice nesting in January, if only for a week, because I would like to make it my main base for at least one year, from March 08 to March 09 (with a few short visits to the cottage at Matumi, while Justin and Sharon live in the main house).

The reason for that is that A). I would like to widely, but in modest fashion, explore many parts of France and Italy, and Spain, with you where possible, and B). Make sure that each of you, in twos or threes or whole families, comes down to stay in Golfe for holiday periods, while I am there.

Then, by mid or late 09, you each and all may move into a different plan with regard to the Golfe flat.

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots and lots and lots of love,

DTG xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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