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Showing posts with the label MATUMI TREES ACCORDING TO CARL JEPPE


Near the sleeper table, between corral tree and red ivory, where the bird table hangs: a WHITE STINKWOOD. Another WHITE STINKWOOD is the large tree behind the Bainsei The flame creeper is around a WHITE PEAR The Australian tree is related to the pepper tree Next to the cottage: the tree with sweet-smelling yellow flowers is a CASSIA Also near the cottage, behind it, is a COMBRETUM, with feathery three winged pods There is also a COMBRETUM????? The tall ungainly tree near the cottage, next to the Cassia, that has pink and yellow flowers coming out of its stem in mid-summer is a KHAYA – AN EAST AFRICAN MAHOGANY The large tree in front of the cottage that goes into autumn colours and sheds its leaves is a MOUNTAIN SYRINGA At the bottom of the garden ??? is a RHUS The little Chinese lantern tree/sickle bush near the 3 faces of eve is a CINERIA