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Showing posts with the label Mandelson Campbell

Mandelson and Campbell as Tintin Villains

In his diaries I hope Aleister Campbell includes a conversation with Peter Mandelson and I would like to hear them converse honestly for the first time in their lives like Carriedas and Rastopopuolus in the Tintin book flight 714, after both villains have had a good dose of truth serum: Mandelson : - "Me? Bad? Of course I am bad! I'm the devil incarnate...that's what I am. And let's hear anyone try to deny it! Campbell : - I beg your pardon! I am the devil incarnate...and I am richer than you are, too! Mandelson : - "So what? Listen to this! I ruined my three ministers and two senior civil servants and dragged the Prime Minister's reputation into the gutter. What d'you say to that, eh? Campbell : Peanut's! Kid's stuff! I made a scientist so ashamed that he went to woods, lay down and died! Beat that.