Photo by Susmita Chatterji We arrived in New Delhi in January when the weather was still mild, and the three of us had to adapt to a new school: The British School. Mom and dad quickly became friends with the ANC representatives in New Delhi: Aggie, Mosie and Zubie. We got to know the Msimang kids and my brothers became firm friends with Fabian. When you teased Fabian he didn't laugh, he just smiled, stood up straight, feet planted slightly apart, and looked right back at you with a fist under each bicep. The twins were 13 and more adventurous than I. With our parents' approval, they travelled with Fabian all over town. Fabian knew the ropes and they tried all the different kinds of street food together without falling ill. But the twins were a bit girlish; their voices hadn't broken and their long hair was turning from light brown to straw blond in the sun, so Fabian found himself protecting them from the seedy, bottom pinching men that there always are on...
Left wing commentary from the heart and the head