FLASHING THE GUARDIAN -- A BOOKS BLOGGERS' REBELLION : The unheroic censor with a death wish Part 1: In which Norman Mailer stars in an experiment in search engine optimisation By ACCIACCATURE 3 February 2009 When Norman Mailer died in 2007, informed opinion – in the blogosphere, people who had read at least two of his books – was split. The army of readers who saw him as one of the most despicable misogynists writing fiction in the 20th century was perfectly matched by warriors on the other side, who raged that the label wasn’t just unwarranted but tantamount to heinous calumny. Before commenters returned to bitching-as-usual, tempers were lost on literary sites all over the net in debating temperatures high enough to bring to mind tiles burning off space shuttles re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. After I'd agreed to a spontaneous suggestion by our good friend Sean Murray -- a pioneer and stalwart of the comments section of The Guardian’s books blog – that we re-...
Left wing commentary from the heart and the head
Part of your novel, I hope, Phil! My heart was pounding by the end. I was also our student rep at PCL, I now remember, but not very radical, I think I just insisted that they increased our materials budget for photography stuff - and probably unsuccessfully!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cesca. Don't we have more and more in common? Were we reps at the same time? Good on us. Did you occupy Regent's Street too. Do you remember the silly union president with his dog?
ReplyDeleteI doubt it was at the same time...I didn't go there until 1990, by which time you were probably living in Mexico or somewhere. Don't remember pres or dog (and believe me, I would definitely remember the dog :-D Nico sends licks and a waggy tail x