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Letters from John, Carmen, Eve to Granny and Grandpa 2002

My dear granny and grandpa,

I wish I could come earlier than in August, that is in 6 months, but I still remember that Christmas that I spent with you.

How was the swimming pool, and is it hot out there?  The last day in SA I remember I was in a swimming pool and I remember that I saw a scorpion in the water but it did not bite me.

I love so much and I miss you, but one day I will be there. Today I found a worm, a beetle and an ant and Tulula, asked me if I would dare to eat the worm but I didn’t, but I did hold it and I liked it. Katie Gorgon is coming to my house next week. I have been to her house twice and I felt very bad when I saw her garden because it was so big. I’ve got an invitation to go to Ellen’s party next Sunday. My party is going to be in Snakes and Ladders, I’ve been there and I loved it.  They have lots of games and I monster that scares you, I spent good fun there.

Now it’s been hot here and I’m going to wear my summer dress for the uniform. My mom bought it from Marks & Spencers. It has got lines of white and pink and I will send you a photograph of me with my dress. Now I’m going to Barcelona in a few weeks and I’m going to go to the sea, but I cannot put my whole body in it, but I can put my feet. I enjoy doing sand castles and lying down and having a rest in the sun.

I love the songs that I’ve learnt and I like my school now. I want to go to a club of fencing and I want to go to a swimming club in Teddington,

I went to a picnic and I went with Jess and Alice to feed the swans, and I touched one and one bited me but I still have my finger. And they said I was so brave…

When I came to England I did not even remember what Alice looked like. I love the bicycle you gave me and every time I go Bushy Park I bring it and I love Bushy Park now that it is sunny.. Granny, I love the way you smile at me. When I was at school and I saw you I was so surprised and happy. 

The teacher said that I’m picking up more English words like ‘participate’ and she said it was a good word, and she doesn’t know that it is like Spanish ‘participar’.

Lots of love from Eve, XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Dearest  Granny and Granpa,

I miss you a lot  and remember you  and I hope that you both are better from your hand and your arm.

I have red all the Harry Potter books and I’m looking forward for the 5th one, and I also read sweet valley twins and baby sitters,  I have to write a short comment on every book I read.

I went to the National Gallery last Thursday and I saw lots of pictures and liked some of them and some of them I didn’t. There was a lady that told us about the paintings. I liked the trip very much.  Today we wrote about it in our literacy books. We also did music and maths (which I don’t like too much).

The weather is really, really nice and we have turned the heater off.  We went to a picnic on Sunday with Kate and Andy and Chris and Anne and a friend of my mom’s from the Council and we played football and I score a goal on the first game.

Lucy Pope, who was my first friend when I arrived,  was a little annoyed with me because I started to have other friends but I sometimes I don’t like the things they say. I’m friends with Guanna and Helen and we play football, or run around. I’m also friends with Lia in year 5D, I’m in year 5W. She does not have many friends and people say bad things about her but I like her. I am also friends with Benn, nobody wants to be friends with him because he has a little sister who has a handicapt.

My mother went to Scotland for 2 days and we missed her but we gave her welcome cards when she got here.  I have my summer uniform, it’s pink and I’m size 12. I’m going to quit dance lessons on Tuesdays because there are only little children and I cannot have a partner of my size,  I have to dance with a little girl in reception. I wanted to start Irish dance like Riverdance on Sundays and my dad was going to wake up early and take me because it started at 1030, but they cancelled it.

It’s not the same here without you, I liked it when you came to pick us up from school and I showed off to all my friends that you had come to pick me up.

We want to move to a bigger house but we don’t know when or where. I want to go to SA during the holidays.  Maybe my aunt Carmen will come to visit us in July.

Lots of love,


PS  Dearest great granny,

I hope you are well, I hope that you are enjoying being in SA with Granny and Grandpa, I hope we will see each other again soon.

Love you lots,

Carmen XXXX

Dear Granny and Grandpa,

I’m looking forward to go to Matumi (I hope that there will be tickets). Last Saturday we went on a picnic, it was great, we played football and we had some delicious food. There is a tree in Woodland Gardens that I like climbing, the days are getting longer.

I don’t have problems with Thomas Lang anymore and I like my school or some of it. I like it when I get merits. I like getting there on time and I get up very early. I like having all my work done.  I’m in the Rugby Team but last Sunday I couln’t go to the practice because the trans were cancelled. I would like to take tennis lessons. Today in hockey I played well and I felt well.

I’m obsessed with reading and I cannot stop. At the moment I’m reading Martin the warrior, and I am reading about the life and work of Einstein and I have finished Kensuki’s kingdom and I recommended it to Carmen and she loved it.

I’m going to stop taking packing lunches because I find it easier. I like going to Kingston to look at the shops and I love buying pens and stationary things. I’m fascinated with the equation of e=mc2.

We are going to Barcelona, maybe. I would love to see the sea again, even if it is a cold sea in England.

I would like to be good at spots but in Mexico I hardly played anything and my schools did not have playgrounds.  It surprises  me that there are so many opportunities here and that the boys in my school don’t make good use of them and take everything for granted.

I am very annoyed because I don’t get good marks because sometimes I don’t understand exactly what I have to do.

With lots, and lots and lots of love,




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