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March 26 fight to....

...roll back Thatcherism

...roll back neo-liberalism

If we all decided what we thought we should be fighting for then that would destroy apathy, and generate movement and hope.

1. Raise corporation tax to punative levels for banks.
2. Raise corporation tax.
3. Raise income tax to its highest levels.
4. Reduce VAT and income tax for poorer people.
5. Buy up and build quality social housing.
6. Fight for strong international capital regulation.
7. Close down tax loopholes.
8. Close down off shore tax havens.
9. Fight for reform of the security council.
10. Re-nationalise the railways.
11. Renationalise the energy companies.
12. Put government managers into Lloyds to force lending.
13. Join in with a joint European foreign policy.
14. Get rid of Trident and keep the Harriers.
15. Get out of Afghanistan.
16. Form alliances with progressive leaders around the world.
17. Push for democratic reform in China.
18. Uphold European human rights legislation.
19. Nationalise the armaments manufacturers.
20. Retool the arms manufacturers for peaceful profitable production.

21. Immediately implement drastic CO2 reduction programme.
22. Invest heavily in alternative technologies.
23. Push for democratic reform in the Middle East.
24. Push for justice in Israel - Palestine.
25. Outlaw all racist parties in the UK.
26. Confiscate News International properties in the UK on the grounds of criminal behaviour in phone tapping and submit to monopolies commission.27. Hold Tony Blair and Gordon Brown liable for war crimes.
28. Keep all front line staff in all public services.
29. Abolish the private school system in the UK
30. Build capacity for additional service provision in the public sector and end most outsourcing.

31. Establish proportional representation in the UK.
32. Establish a 2/3rds elected house of Lords. Call it a a Senate.
33. Pay reparations and atone for slavery and colonialism and call aid money reparations.
34. Give more freedom to professionals to exercise their judgement.
35. Establish a comission to look into monopoly practices in the retail sector.
36. Take prison services and security services back into public ownership.
37. Invest in the creative industries.
38. Invest in research and development in the universities.
39. Establish the principle of full time employment for workers. Roll back the use of casual labour and hourly paid workers.
40. Set up intensive courses in management and public administration for the public sector.

41. Ensure the principle of freedom of speech unless it discriminates.
42. Introduce a policy of language training for all recent immigrants.
43. Embrace the idea of a greater Europe ultimately including the Middle East.
44. Examine the practices of the food giants and take action to ensure food is healthy.
45. Investigate the chemical and drug companies and take appropriate actions.
46. Stop the practice of dumping people with problems into sink estates.
47. Abolish the monarchy and aristocracy and confiscate all their land.
48. Establish a principle whereby ordinary people can buy plots of land or small sustainable farms.
49. Introduce Jerusalem as the national anthem.
50. Subsidise the arts to the hilt.

51. Put up more public conveniences and bins and ban superfluous packaging.
52. Establish a law whereby British companies cannot sell more than 39% shares to foreign interests.
53. Take down CCTV cameras in all but strategic places.
54. Take down the fence outside downing street.
55. Regulate the establishments universities to make sure that they are inclusive.
56. Send the historians back to write histories that told the truth about the British establishment and its crimes nationally and internationally.
57. Establish one year of volunteering for all young people either before or after university.
58. Establish a living pension for older people.
59. Spend more on care homes and training and wages for care home workers and regulate them better.
60. Get rid of the Tory Mark Thomas at the BBC and bring back Greg Dyke.

61. Go on fact finding missions to Germany and countries with better industrial relations practices.
62. Offer the latest treatment to cancer patients.
63. Offer free gymnasiums or very inexpensive gyms and health checks and health advice to everyone.
64. Buy back the playgrounds sold off for money.
66. Reduce the council tax and make it an income tax.
67. Set up proper cycle lanes with protection and traffic lights like Holland in all British cities and towns.
68. Restart the rebuilding programme for schools.
69. Guarantee public sector pensions.
70. Keep the age of retirement at 60 and 65.

71. Ban all oil exploration in British countryside. Push for banning of oil shale mining.
72. Investigate the billionaires that are based in the UK and confiscate their assets if they have been involved in any dodgy dealing in their own countries.
73. Investigate the immigration service and reform it so that they treat immigrants humanely.
74. Reopen the bribery for oil scandal which Tony Blair covered up. Take Blair to court for the cover up.
76. very reduced quotas for endangered fish species and hard policing of British waters.
77. Increase money for supported learning.
78. Invest in retraining for high tech manufacturing and creative industries.
77. Support medium sized and smaller British companies with tax exemptions.
78. Make voting mandatory.
79. Introduce stronger freedom of information legislation.
80. Introduce stronger privacy legislation.

81 Offer free detox to drug addicts.
82. Force all companies above a certain size to take a quota of apprentices and trainees and monitor and ensure that they are getting useful experience.
83. Invest heavily in adult education as a life enhancing career changing option.
84. Set up technological universities with 2 year technical degrees useful to manufacturing.
85. Buy back British brand companies like Cadburys and Rolls Royce.


  1. I'll be on the march in spirit...

  2. That must mean you are God knows where.

  3. I see, flying falcons in one does.


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