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Brighton, Sunday evening, July 1977

Darling Andy and Chris,

I've just finished the letter to Granny and Grandpa, and no its your turn. Dad is downstairs, sorting out papers while he watches the telly, and I am sitting in your study room, my papers spread out all over your table. It's a lot more comfortable than mine! Though the blank white wall on the other side of the window is a bit dreary....still nothing to take away concentration.

I suppose Martin and Nicky slept in your beds. Martin (who's about 6 months younger than you, I think) is almost as tall as Felicity, so suffered from your problem in the bed! Luckily, he said, he sleeps curled up. Patrick is sweet, has a sunny personality (if that doesn't sound too pukey). Martin's sports mad. Dad says he told him he wanted to be a professional golfer - yet another in the Hall family!

isn't any different from last year, obviously her usual pleasant self - and David now has a bushy beard and didn't wear any particularly startling clothes, even if they were a bit unusual - but that tends to blend in with the scenery in England, where it might not so much in France. Anyway, you'll meet them all and make your own assessments.

I'm looking forward to hearing what your impressions of your California family are. We took them for a walk down to the Pier, actually the first time I've ever been on it, would you believe it! It's warmed up a bit, so the walk was pleasant and the sea even looked quite inviting. Dad fetched them from Gatwick, but only took them to the station this morning. They'll be back here for four days on the 22nd.

Phil got off okey yesterday, must be in Yugoslavia by now -- I wonder where?! He obviously had a good time with the Benjamins and got on swimmingly with Rudi. He and Rudi hitched up to London on Friday and met Sunil. All three descended on poor Paula! And then all three went and stayed at Shushi's for the night. We phoned Phil at Paula's, and he sounded in good form.

Did you and Granny and Grandpa speak to him at Shushi's I wonder,? This morning a telegram arrived (via Hannover Terrace, which is why it took three days) from Natasha and Anandi - he's obviously going to get a warm reception there, because all it said was: "Come Love" ! He'll die of embarrassment when he finds out we opened it...or will he? We had to open it because it was addressed to "Hall" - and one doesn't leave a cable lying unopened, anyway! Sunil on the phone said they had decided to embrace punk personalities...The only hitch was Phil leaving his guitar behind at the Benjamins, which is a pity.

Otherwise, not much news. The end of my thesis is in sight, I've got the first, very rough draft of my last chapter done, and hope to have it in good shape by the time Pepe comes on Wednesday. We got a phone call from the Maxwells - they're near Brighton, Cathy is six months pregnant with their second baby, and Simon has got a job for a few months with IDS - so we are going to go there for dinner on Monday evening.

Ilanagh is going to Dar via Nairobi next week, she's finished her thesis - and Phil (I mean Phil Raikes) will be looking after Ben and Toby for a while. If you'd been around you could probably have made a bit of money babysitting them - or is that too much like hard work? Incidentally, I looked out of our bedroom window last night, at about 2 a.m. and there was Mr Mac and his wife cleaning the launderette out - I guess they're missing you! People still knock on the door for help, even though the notices are down - but I turn them away without a twinge of conscience!

It's 11 o'clock and I think I'll go to bed - or watch a bit of t.v. with Dad maybe. Look after yourselves, darlings, and enjoy it all. I'm sure you're having a lovely time - how's the sea..the sun..the sand? To say nothing of Granny and Grandpa's cooking! Think of me as you eat the croissants and of Dad when you eat fish, okey? Oodles of love for you both, from both of us.

Mom xxxxxx

P.T.O for me...

Dearest Andy and Chris,

I've been lounging in front of the box with my mouth open all day since seeing David and Felicity and the boys, changing channels at an even faster rate than you two! We have put in so much food in stock for the visitors we have enough for almost a week without shopping....I'm having a good rest, but beginning to miss you already. When Mom finishes her thesis - and she is doing very well so it won't be long now, I think we'll often go out for walks and things or the house will get too quiet.

David and family are in good form. We had a pleasant 24 hours with them - Martin and Patrick obviously a bit sorry to miss you -- I suggested to David that you two spend at least a day with them on the boat: They are joining Dad and Nola at la Grande Motte tomorrow, then sailing slowly eastwards, to Nice buy around 17th or 18th (I think). So a day or two before that they will probably stop of at Golfe Juan and join Granny and Grandpa for a meal or something. I have suggested that they take you on board for a day or so, for a part of the final cruise to Nice. This will give you a chance to get acquainted with your cousins, however briefly, Anyway; that's my suggestion - no doubt the older generation will work something out. I trust you are having a good time - I'm sure you are. We'll be wanting to hear your voices on the phone sometime this week, so stand by. Enjoy yourselves.

Lots of love,



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