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Papa Steinhardt, Richard Steinhardt and friends

Great-grandpa Isidore Steinhardt, the Foreign Editor of the Neue Freie Presse, is third from the right. 
 Isidore Steinhardt, it seems, was partly instrumental in promoting the annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina to the Austrian empire. He was involved in Count Alois von Aehrethal's machinations.

On the back of this picture it says : "Papa Steinhardt just before World War I." 

If the picture was taken in 1912 then the figure on the left is probably  Count Alois von Aehrethal. Perhaps they are at Bachlau. 

Great Grandpa Isidor features as the person who put George Nastic up to writing the Statute for the Liberation of the Southern Slavs along with his brother.  in  The Inside Story of Austro-German Intrigue Or How the World War was Brought about, by Joseph Goricar and Lyman Beecher Stowe:         
"Now that George Nastic had become a notorious
character, I resolved to acquaint myself more 
fully with his career and cozmections. I already 
knew that he was connected with our secret police 
in Vienna, Sarajevo, and Zagreb. I soon dis- 
covered that he was also closely associated with 
certain correspondents of German and Austro- 
German papers who had been evicted from Serbian 
soil because of their slanderous attacks upon the 
Serbian Government. After office hours in the 
beautiful summer days of 1908 I often went by 
boat up the Danube to Zemun, a Croatian town 
opposite Belgrade. Usually a party of us, from 
the German and Italian legations, as well as our 
own, went together. On these trips I frequently 
met a Jewish newspaper correspondent by the 
name of Steinhardt. He was one of the newspaper 
men who had been expelled from Belgrade and 
he now glowered across the river and brooded 
vengeance. I asked him, banteringly, one day 

where he picked up his amazing tales of Serbian 
affairs. "All things," he replied, pointing to 
his head, "originate here, and I will teach the 
Serbian police that on Austrian soil they cannot 
reach me." Knowing that Nastic was a friend 
of his, I asked him if Nastic got his facts from the 
same source, to which he replied in the affirmative. 
My conversations with this resourceful yellow 
journalist of the East led me to believe that Nas- 
tic received from him at least the inspiration for 
his sensational pamphlet."

And this agent provocateur "movement", which Isidor Steinhardt 
"created" then provided the pretext for Aerenthal to annex 
Bosnia and Herzgovnia:


In Mein Kampf, that revolting shit for brains tramp Shicklegruber, who hates Marxists and Social Democrats because they are anti Germanic, thinks he understands that it is not idealism and objectivity that drives the Social democratic presse, but the fact that they are Jews with an alien agenda: 
From Shickelgruber's "Mein Kampf":

"I zealously read the so-called world-press (Neue Freie PresseWiener Tageblatt, etc.) and was amazed by the scope of what it offered its readers as well as the objectivity of its individual articles. I respected the aristocratic tone but was often somewhat uncomfortable with the overstated style. Yet this might have been in keeping with the verve of the whole metropolis.....Gradually, I realized that the Social Democratic press was conducted predominantly by Jews. But I did not put any special significance on this circumstance because the conditions were exactly the same in the other papers. Only one fact was obvious: there was not a single paper with Jews present on it that could be designated as truly national, at least according to my education and conceptions. When I mastered myself enough to read these kinds of Marxist press productions, the aversion grew to such proportions that I now sought to get to know about the manufacturers of these thrown together villainies. From publishers on down (1), they were all Jews. I gathered all the obtainable Social Democratic brochures and sought out the names of their authors: Jews. I noted the names of almost all the leaders: they were in by far the greatest part also members of the "Chosen People," whether acting as members of the parliament or in the secretariats of the trade unions, heads of organizations, or street agitators. It was always the same uncanny picture. The names Austerlitz, David, Adler, Ellenbogen, etc. will remain eternally in my memory. One thing had become clear to me: the leadership of the Party, with whose petty members I had been carrying on a violent battle for months, lay almost exclusively in the hands of an alien people. For that the Jew was no German I now knew to my inner satisfaction and with finality. Only now did I learn to know the seducers of our people completely."

I apologise for quoting that absolute bilge. But think of a how run-of-the-mill someone like Shickelgruber was. He was a vile filthy mediocrity with half a brain and a sociopath. They are as common as muck. You find them everywhere. Hitler would have been inspired by someone like David Ike. 

How many filthy and bitter tramps could we find this morning, who, with the power of cognitive therapy, could turn into souped up racists ready to take advantage of the next societal breakdown - longing to restore "Englishness". 

(1) Shicklegruber was probably referring to Count Alois von Ährenthal


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